Posted by: dhazimihalis | May 2, 2008

Learning Unit #13

Activity #1:

Use three programs to create flash movies and embed them into your freewebs page, facebook page or on Ning. The three websites we used are:

You can find my work on my freewebs site at:

After I embeded these flash movies onto my freebs page, the site loaded very slow. Sometimes they worked sometimes they didn’t. The animoto one worked all the time, but the other two took awhile to load. The toufee and sproutbuilder sites were good but I need more practice to use their full capabilities. The animoto site was very good. I will probably use that one in the future.

Activity #2:

Choose some topic and create a Screencast. I used the Jing Project program. I chose to embed this screencast to distribute it. The web address is

This program was a little tricky to use at first. I just kept capturing my desktop screen. I then opened some photos, picked one and captured that screen. I had a hard time adding any text to the photo so I didn’t.

Activity #3

My username at seesmic is dhazimihalis. My video Profile on Seesmic:

My reply to Dr. Alam’s Video Support LU 12:

I apologize for the poor lighting of the video. When I turn on the lights in that room, it is too bright on the screen. Also, my videos are not that long. It seems that once I plugged in my camcorder and went to the page to record my profile and response, the timer for that video started even though I did not start recording. Also in my response, my audio skipped for a brief moment. I have no idea why it did that but it did.

Activity #4

Sign up for voice thread. Create a group voicethread. Comment on Dr. Alam’s voicethread.

Group Voicethread is located at:

Comment on Dr. Alam’s Voicethread:





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